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شريط العناوين

16 مايو 2011

To My Sweetheart


To My Sweetheart 


You  have  create  something  beautiful,
and  new  in my life.
That  was never there  before I  met you.
With  you, I have found new mwaning
And  in all of  our love and closeness,
I've  found something within...a confidence,
A  strenght  I  never knew   existed  without you
Having you to belive  in, and haveing You,
to  believe  in me,
Has  made it easier , to trust and believe in myself.
My   relationship  with you has opened,
up  a whold new world to me
That is filled with growth  and change and self,
I've  learned so much about myself ,
with You to show the way,
You  have made me realize how good it feels,
To give, to share , to be with you each day,
You  are indeed my truest  inspiration
And   my reason for happiness,
You are the everlasting  joy,
You  are the  person , who is everything to me,
My  Best  Friend, My  Love and My
I  Love  You.

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